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Guia de onde upar - Elyos

Escolheu a raça Elyos e não sabe onde subir de nivel rapido?, veja nosso tutorial completo 1 - 65.

Guia de onde upar - Asmodian

Escolheu a raça Asmodian e não sabe onde subir de nivel rapido?, veja nosso tutorial completo 1 - 65.

Guia PvP/PvE

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quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2016

Asmodian lv 53 - 63 – Beshmundir Temple

Em processo de tradução

Levels 53-63 – Beshmundir Temple

Levels 53-54

Head to Panda, and then teleport to Gelkmaros. Fly northeast to Rhonnamm Refugee Village. Note to fly here, you need to talk to the statue in the circle instead of to a flight transporter. Then when you land, run east and up a hill to get to an area between two guards.
The blue object is called a Windstream. Glide into it and let it take you to the end. Then head into the building.  
There are balaur on either side, so either clear a path through one set, or use a shield to get to the other wall.
When you’re through, right click on the door to enter Silentra Canyon.  
Go onto lfg and ask for someone to clear the first 3 bosses of Beshmundir Temple if you’re going to solo it, or look for a duo partner. When you have someone, follow the path below to reach Beshmundir temple.
When you get to the door, say you want to take the safer path and then teleport in.

Instance #7 – Beshmundir Temple

Beshmundir Temple is an instance that give a hell of a lot of XP for not a lot of work. If you have a Merek, you can clean up in here quickly. Also, use your tea of reposes whenever you’re out of repose.
In here, there are 5 types of mobs.
  1. Magus – These will always open with a reflect, so don’t burst them early. After that they mainly autoattack for a lot of damage.
  2. Officer/Healer – These mobs are melee, but after 15 seconds summon a dps servant. Kill the servant immediately or it and the officer will annihilate you.
  3. Trapper/Assassin – These mobs will chase after you and then hit you for a ton of damage fast. Best killed with ranged characters.
  4. Legatus/Warrior – These may throw a distant blade at you slowing you, but they are overall simple to kill.
  5. Ranger/Sniper – Beware their “Powerful Shot”. It is exactly as it sounds.
If you do not have a sleep, prioritize killing the healer first in all situations. Root/disable a melee mob while you kill a magus. And if both are melee, immobilize the trapper over the legatus because it has less chance to resist the root.
If you do have a sleep, prioritize sleeping the healer. Sleep a magus and kill a melee. Sleep a trapper over a legatus.
After clearing the first room, engage the boss. This boss is best kited around (use running scrolls). At times he will stop chasing and start spinning around. This is your chance to dps it (but don’t be super close to it when he’s spinning). At about 50%, his attacks also will lower healing on the target by 50%.
A pretty infamous superstition is that you should never loot the ring he drops or you won’t get anything you want in the rest of the instance. Head into the west room. In here are several ghosts. These all drain your MP, so have pots and dispels ready.
Continue north and head east to the hero’s vault. In here are pairs of statues on either side. If the statue is a “statue” or “monument”, it is not going to activate. If it is a “Gladiator” or an “Ambusher”, it will activate as soon as you cross its line of sight. Use this to your advantage.
At the end of the hall if the Great Virhana. Make sure that you stand right under his feet as all ranged damage is reflected to the caster. You will have 90 seconds to kill him (which should be plenty of time), at which time he’ll start to oneshot. During the fight he’ll slam his sword into the ground doing big damage, so use pots and heals to survive.  
Head east to the Garden of the Dead. Do not charge into it – rather hug the south wall. If a mob aggros you, kill it in one shot. Right before the courtyard is Taros.
Taros will be similar to Lannok in terms of attacks. However, at 25% he will enrage and attack at super speed. This is the time to use DP to either heal quickly, or burn him fast. When he dies, his corpse (sort of hard to see, do /select Taros Lifebane to select him) will have a key. Head up the stairs to open the door.
In here are your wide assortment of mobs. There are also 4 special “Gatekeepers”. Kill them to get keys.
Note that the pair of trappers in front of the south ramp will aggro each other even though they don’t look like it.
On the southeast wall, use the keys to open up doors to get to more mobs to kill. Judges are really squishy.
The northern gate on the bottom floor is special because there is also an archer in it.
Head up the stairs to get to two more gates. Note that there is a sniper walking around on top as well. However, what we are mainly concerned about are the two mobs on the north side. This is the only occurrence of a mage and a medic that aggro each other. All classes should burn the medic first, as sleeping him would just result in wasted sleep time while the agent has a reflect up.
Head back through the Hero’s vault and head north and then west. Here we get to a long hallway called “the rooms”.
The mobs here behave slightly differently. Trappers will start with a huge hit, so you don’t want to deal with them. Spirits will start with a firebolt or a stun, and then they will turn you into a tree. Make sure you’re at full health when they cast curse of roots on you as their firebolt that comes after hurts. Legatuses have a skill called “Hydro Eruption” that you don’t want to be near when it goes off.
No mobs here are in pairs by designs, so only pull when they are a bit apart. Clear your way down the west hall (there is an archer that patrols back and forth). Then drake signifies the halfway point. Then continue west to get to some slimes.
These slimes HURT. Kill them from range if you can and be prepared to kite. Do not go into the room north of the slimes – it is a boss. Also do not go into the room west of the slimes – it is another boss that has wiped many full parties in the past. Just clear the south room and return to the center.
Head east this time to kill the corpeal balaur. These have the same moves as the ghosts with one difference. Slayers. Slayers are archers, and when you attack them, they will always start with “throw trap”. When they do that, run immediately away and don’t stop running until they hit you with arrow deluge. The trap is invisible and is under your feet about 1 second after it is cast. It immediately starts to explode, and if that + arrow deluge hits you, it is a oneshot.
Clear all rooms except the far east room. You should easily have hit level 55 this run.

Level 55

Use a scroll to return to Panda. Speak with Edandos to get your last set of consumables.
Teleport to Gelkamros. Follow the ramp east into a building to turn in “Major Sixth” to Garath to get your last stigma. For some classes (Songweaver comes to mind), this is your most useful skill. Regardless, equip it.
Now we’re going to get gear we can level in to the end. Head north off the ramp and speak with Richelle to pick up “Trouble, not Trivia”.
Make your way north and kill 10 rotting crestliches on the way.
Speak with Vesvola to turn it in.
Pick up “Not so sweet”. Head north and kill 10 Ksellids.
Return to Vesvola to turn in the quest and pick up “Monsters Unholy”. Head southwest to a cliff.
Open your wings and fly down to the bottom. In the water, kill 10 Slinks.  
Gluggas are also plentiful and can be killed instead.
Return to Vesvola to turn in the quest and pick up “Final Krug Clearing”. Return below the cliff and in the middle on the land portion, kill 10 seaforms or sludgers. Seafoams will aggro each other.
Return to Vesvola to turn in the quest and pick up “Move Along Now”. Use your map teleport to move to Gelkmaros Fortress and then fly south to Subterranea Observation Post. Outside of the post, kill 10 Dionaes and Manticores.
Speak with Fjoelnir at the post to turn it in.
Pick up “Good on Gelkmaros”. Follow the road north that bends to the west. Kill 10 exquisite Nagolems and Snufflers on the way.
Return to Richelle in the fortress to turn in the quest and receive the last piece of gear. This gear should last you all the way to level 64, so equip it as soon as you can.

Levels 56-60

Run Beshmunir Temple on repeat. With a 200% charm and solo, it should be 1 run to go from 53-58, and then 1 to go 58-61.

Levels 61-63

Continue to run Beshmundir Temple. At this point you are much better off running it solo than with a partner. It’s usually 1 run a level at this point with a 200% charm solo. You should be able to solo the first boss at this point if you cannot find anyone to clear the three bosses for you. If you do this, kill the first room, the ghosts, the statues, and the rooms north.

Asmodian lv 46 - 52 Brusthonin

Em processo de tradução

Phase II – Instance Grinding (Levels 46-63)

Levels 46-52 - Brusthonin

Level 46

Equip all the new gear you just got. Then fly to Settler’s Campsite and teleport to Beluslan. Speak with
Nerita to pick up “Induction to Brusthonin”. Then return to Surt to turn it in. Pick up “Vengeful Spirit Consolidation” and fly to the Edge of Torment. Speak with Lukmann to pick up “The Unforgiveable One”, “Lukmann’s Justice”, and “A Family’s Memento”.
At this point, you need to risk temptation. On lfg, you will probably see plenty of people looking to rush Adma or Theobomos Labs. While this will get you to 50 no problem after 5 runs of each, the problem is that doing so will use up counts on your repeatable quests.  
Until you hit level 51, you will be gaining double XP on the fast track server standard. After 51, you gain normal XP. What this means is that it’ll be much harder to gain the same XP in the instances. Therefore, you should save quest XP for when you hit level 51 to get to 53 without any difficulty.
Go onto LFG, and decide if you want to duo (if you’re newer or less skilled or play a class like a ranger or assassin), or solo Adma. If you want to duo, look for a partner (ideal party has at least 1 songweaver, chanter, or cleric). If you want to solo, look for someone to hold group. Make your post, wait for someone to join, and then prepare to enter.

Instance #5 – Adma Stronghold

Head into the big blue portal to your right to enter Adma.
After heading in, head north into the Granary and south into the storeroom. There will be a mini-boss there that drops a key.  
Make sure to loot a serf here for a ring.
Return to the main hall, and on top of the stairs, kill the Bard.
He will drop another key. Head behind him and to the right to get to a door.
Your key from the steward will open it. Head inside and clear the way to the Bedroom. You’ll notice some mobs come in pairs. If the pair includes a Banshee, kill the Banshee first. If it is a Lich + Vampire, kill the Lich first (root the vampire).
You’ll then come to the bedroom. Clear it and take note of two object. First, the teddy bear in the south.
Second, the urn in the north.
Go an attack the princess. She will throughout the fight put 3 debuffs on you. One (cold wind) can be dispelled normally. The other two, look at the color. If it is blue, use the incense burner or you will lose mana and attack really slow. If it is red, use the teddy bear or you’ll lose health quickly.
When she dies, loot her for her crown and key. Return to the room prior and head north. There’ll be a door that the key opens.
Head through the hallway which lightly poisons you to get to Templar Taliesin.
Typical vampire mob. Loot him for a key. This key will be random.
If you get the treasury, head to the room to the northeast. This boss will spawn boxes in the fight and they multiple, so burn him fast. If you get the servant’s quarters, head to the southeast room. This boss will sleep one target, and put a mana drain on them. If you get the Great Dining Hall key, head west. This boss is a typical vampire mob but comes with a banshee.
If you’re lucky enough to get the servant’s quarters key, make sure to loot a banshee in it for a necklace.
Head back to the main hall and head north. Follow the path back to the beginning, clearing all mobs. Then return to the main hall. Head east and use the door to get to the passageway.
Hop down the hole into the sewers. Head north and clear mobs. Ignore the suspicious boy as he is too hard for a small group/solo. Follow the path south and clear the side room. Continue south and follow the path east to Bloodthirster.
Nothing special, just tank and spank. Continue through the passage to get to the southeast corner. Here is a destroyed door. Head through it to the final boss.
Lannok is easy to duo, but near impossible to solo. At the start, he does nothing but trample. However, at 50% he starts casting “Death Sentence”. This will be a 5 second debuff that must be dispelled (if you have no dispell skill, use a greater healing potion), or you die. At 33%, he’ll start summoning a set of 4 adds. These adds hit hard, and are the reason why you can’t solo it. After 25% he’ll also put you into Aether’s hold periodically.  
Turn in your quests. At this point, there is a wide range of levels you could be. If you ran a duo with no XP boost, you’ll probably be 47. Or if you ran solo with a 200%, you’ll be well into level 50. Regardless, repeat this process until you hit level 52.

Level 47

Continue to run Adma.

Level 48

Continue to run Adma.

Level 49

Continue to run Adma.

Level 50

Stop by Sanctum and speak to Edandos for free goodies. Speak with Aud to pick up another greater stigma. Then continue to run Adma to level 51.

Level 51

Unlike the Elyos who get to rotate to Theo labs at this point, our Theo labs quests are complete and utter trash and commonly require multiple runs or a lot of side tasks to do. Ignore Theo and continue running adma to level 52.

Level 52

Speak with Ivar to pick up “Invade the Past”.
Fly to Settlers Campsite (Via Baltasir Hill) and then teleport to Beluslan. Then use your map teleport to go to Hoarfrost Shelter. When there, speak with Karzanke to pick up “A Test in Dark Poeta”
Right across from her, speak with Hresvelgr to turn in “Invade the Past”.
Pick up “Essence of Fate”, “Obtaining the Dragel”, “Acquiring the Drana”, and “Drana Gluttony”. Then use lfg to find a Dark Poeta group. When ready, use the artifact to enter.

Instance #6 – Dark Poeta

When you get in, a timer will start ticking. You can skip it to 0 by using the door if you wish.
Head east towards a river. If you aggro a mob, kill it. Too many mobs will kill you. Then head north along the river to the Akarios Ruins.  
Clear just a little ahead on the path and then return to the first boss.
The boss will cast lots of paralysis. The one to be careful of though is his reflect. If he has a pink buff under his name, do not attack him or you will die fast.
When he’s dead, use the scroll on the ground to update “Essence of Fate”. This boss drops a heroic chest box every run.
A few mobs will charge up the hill at you as soon as he’s dead, so don’t let your guard down. Then follow the road to the lake. Go around the lake and clear any mobs close to it (don’t aggro the bosses). Also kill any “captain” mobs you may see.
When cleared, attack the boss. The boss has 3 generators near him. Magic classes should attack the attack booster, and physical classes should attack the defense booster. Ignore the property controller. Failure to attack the right booster will reflect damage onto you and is a quick way to die.
The bosses are stupid easy when the generators are down. Two Marabatas will either drop fabled or heroic shoulder boxes (group loot), and one will drop either a fabled or heroic ring box (group loot).
Head east and go to the northern part of the woods. Clear out the ghosts. Captains give more points.
While doing this, a leather should use their hunter’s eye to find Noah’s Furious Shade. Hit him and bring him north to the group.
This guy will do a scream to induce fear, so you want him near the mobs you cleared. His main move is grudge wound followed by deep grunge wound. Get behind him for deep if you have regular or it can oneshot. There is one more tree in the woods (more to the south). These drop heroic or fabled glove boxes (group loot). Follow the road north to a barricade. Ignore the barricade and head east. In here are several Spallers. You will want to train them on top of pits with drana in them. This will shock them for 20 seconds for free dps.
Repeat this for the 3 Spallers. Two can drop heroic and fabled gloves, and one can drop heroic or fabled earrings. All are group drops.
Head back to the barricades. At 60%, 2 mobs will spawn. Kill them and return to the gate. When it’s down, kill 2 more mobs.
Head north. On this road are mutated fungie.  
These mobs die in one hit, but also hit like a truck. If they get on top of you they cast explosion which will oneshot you. Have a high AoE class deal with them.
Follow the road to another gate. Same type of mob spawns.
Follow the path west into a cave. When the road splits, head to the right branch to get to the telepathy controller.
Don’t stand on the blue circles. The telepathy controller at the start will cast stun waves. It also will spawn a balaur add. Burn the balaur fast. Keep heals up and survive past this phase and you’ll be fine. After 70% the stuns become slows, and no more balaur will spawn.
This guy will drop either a fabled belt (group drop), or a heroic shield box (group drop).
Continue west into the next room. Hit balaur only – do not hit any generators.
Clear the entire room – bottom of the ramp and the top. If you hit a generator by mistake, run far away so it resets.  
When the room is cleared, kill the Auxillary Generator in the middle. Do not loot it – the adds it spawns hit fast and hard and will kill you if you try, and they stay until all 3 are down.
Kill the main generator (right one facing the ramp) next. Kill it with your ranged dps standing on the ramp. Then go up the ramp to the other side and kill the emergency generator (ranged dps only). This one will spawn mobile adds to attack you.
When the 3 generators are down, Collect your loot. The left two can drop heroic or fabled pants boxes (group drop), and the right one can drop either a fabled necklace box or a heroic hat box.
Head up the ramp and tackle Anuhart.
Fight Anuhart on the circle where he spawned. He’s simple, but he will summon 4 adds you need to kill mid-fight.
Anuhart will drop a fabled sword, dagger, pistol, mace, or shield. This is a single loot. Make sure to loot him for the item to update “Essence of Fate”.
You will then receive a grade. Right now, you only get grades S (if you killed most mobs in the instance), A (if you killed the bosses and captains), or B (if you just got the bosses). You will want A. Use the portal to get to the boss.
If you have S, you’ll have to find another guide as I have never beaten him.  
For A, he will cast a skill called “Come forth, my faithful servant”. Adds will spawn in the magma around. Kill then quick or they can wreck your healer.
If you have B, just be aware of his reflect skill.  
S and A will drop an eternal weapon, a fabled weapon, and a chest piece box (chest can be heroic or fabled, group drop). B will drop a fabled accessory box that will give you a random accessory.
Turn in your quests to Hresvelgr outside Dark Poeta. Return to Karzanke to turn in your quest (pick either 40 Drana or 40 Dragel), and speak with Hresvelgr again to turn in that quest.
The fabled gear from DP is good, but you should only consider wearing it if you have the shoes. If you do not, you will lose the set bonus of your current gear which is where movement speed comes from (DP shoes have the speed on them).  
That said, I wouldn’t bother grinding DP for gear. Our current gear is good enough for the next few levels, and without the free manastones from the pink quests that were taken out in 4.8, they don’t have that much of an advantage anymore.
At this point we will only be a few bars away from 53. You can either run DP again, grind Adma again, or try Theo Labs (which is not covered in this guide).